2023-12-27 11:16:33 -

2023-12-24 14:53:03 -

2023-12-25 09:59:11 -

2023-12-24 15:32:30 -

2023-12-23 05:23:38 -

2023-12-21 08:51:01 -
容量大小:容量装15.6没问题,很充足 做工细节:做工挺好的 材质特点:面料舒适

2023-12-21 22:26:31 -

2023-12-24 15:46:59 -

2023-12-22 08:00:15 -

2023-12-21 19:29:55 -
气味还好,送的防雨袋子味道大一点。 还没用,希望好用。



周末去新泽西女儿家给她过生日,周五晚上点了外卖,是当地一家热门中餐馆江南。 从餐馆名字就可知是江南菜系,我们点了小笼包-原味和蟹粉的,鱼香茄子,江南小炒肉,干炸豆腐,滑蛋番茄牛肉炒饭。


我和领导兴冲冲开车去取外卖,结果乐极生悲,途中被警察叔叔当街拦截。经过是这样滴:餐馆地段晚上灯火通明很热闹,好不容易临街找到一车位暂停,顺利取了外卖。领导一看两边没车,一个急转弯U-turn 打道回府。不料两分钟后身后闪起了警灯,领导惊叫不好后面是警察。路边停下,一位警察叔叔来到车边,打了招呼然后说你们知道吗双黄线是不能转弯的吗。我们连声道歉,说对不起我们没看见。明显是领导忽略了交通规则,准备认罚吧。


奉上证件松了口气,谁知警察叔叔火眼金睛又发现了问题,保险卡过期了,还是不认可。女儿不耐烦了,说是同样的ID 证件号码一查就知道了。我们如是告诉警察叔叔,他满脸不高兴又把我们教训了一番,blabla 说了一通没有保险和注册卡的危险。





给女儿过完生日打道回府,途经费城郊区去了一家有名中餐馆-汉唐御厨 Han Dynasty, 点了外卖当午餐。豆豉回锅肉,清炒豆苗。

汉唐御厨是家川菜馆,创始人老板 Han Chiang 号称自家的菜肴是麻辣鲜香的完美组合 - My food is a perfect balance of spice, numbness, saltiness, and flavor. 

据餐馆网页介绍,Han Chiang 家是四川人,迁移到台湾却因水土不服,妈妈毅然只身前往美国打拼,在费城附近开了一家花店,使一家人团聚在美。Han Chiang 一直有一个梦想要开一家菜馆,传承父亲四川老家的经典菜肴。他于2007年创业,虽然家人一致反对,还是靠着亲朋好友房屋抵押贷款集资,在母亲节那天开出了第一家汉唐御厨。此后靠地道的四川美食打开局面,至今已有十家连锁店,费城五家 纽约四家,新泽西樱桃山一家。汉唐御厨被评为费城最好的五十家餐馆之一,也入选CNN全美排名前五十名的中餐馆之一。

这家餐馆的一些拿手好菜 ,附上网络图片,给大家一饱眼福。











I like the price and my boyfriend loves the comfort and style.
- Singapore

Sizing is perfect. It is like a spring in my step, I stand all day....
- Liberia

Favorite walking shoe. I have flat feet and these are great for comfort and support
- Guam

Nike runs about a 1/2 size small. I wear a 10.5 normally and wear an 11 in Nike. Good shoes.
- Liberia

I am very happy to buy this product.The shipment was very fast and arrived in very good condition.Thank you.
- Liberia

I have a really hard time finding shoes that fit and are comfortable. These were great right out of the box. Very happy.
- Singapore

I have had a hard time finding these shoes in stores in regular width, so I was really glad I could purchase these at a very reasonable price.
- Liberia

I needed an all leather shoe for my trips in the fall and winter. Bought this because I have had great experiences with similar shoes - which needed replacing.
- Switzerland

I wear size 8 shoe -orderd size 8 -normal width .I m 5'7" -130 lbs . They fit perfect . Little snug at first as are all new shoes . Hope this helps with concerning ordering a size larger issue .
- Liberia

Same shoe as ordered 1 1/2 years ago by my husband. He loves them, always will I think. And makes it easy to find the same thing again with the purchase history. I will be buying them again, in about 1 1/2 years I would guess.
- Singapore

2023-12-04 03:22:53--
Looks like the real thing I love it!!

2023-12-04 03:22:36--
Never have seen the real thing in person, but this is pretty good. The color of yellow gold seems slightly off, but the quality seems fine. Looking forward to wearing this and I’m excited to have a little Cartier bag to go along with it.

2023-12-04 03:21:35--
Amazing quality., especially for the price! I love these bracelets and will be ordering more for gifts!

2023-12-04 03:21:19--
I’m so in love with my ring thank you so much .. I love the quality and the detail it did take a little long to arrive but I’m guessing is because of the pandemic I will be purchasing more from this seller .. also as soon as I placed my order they sent me a tracking number 💙

2023-12-04 03:21:18--
Not as I imagined

2023-12-04 03:21:16--
gorgeous !

2023-12-04 03:18:31--
Runs a little big, but still satisfied. Not bad at all.

2023-12-04 03:07:44--
Lovely earrings the backs are not great though. Fast delivery

2023-12-04 03:07:34--
Love these! A bit heavier for stud earrings, but love love love them!

2023-12-04 03:03:00--
Supreme quality, looks pretty much like original. Detailing is done very well. Took about 2 weeks to ship to central Europe. 10/10, would recommend to anyone.

Displaying 781 to 790 (of 790 reviews)

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